Saturday, April 01, 2006

Why Newspapers Fail

Let's see -

10. Because I can't stand reading the opinion page drivel from left wing editors controlling what gets in their opinion pages.
9. Because I can get the important scores any time of the day or night without paying for it or waiting for that late paperboy.
8. Because I don't have to pay another bill in the mail with the web version.
7. Because they are all pretty much owned by the same half dozen corporations that are major democratic party contributors.
6. Because there is only about 2 pages of news, 50 pages of adds, and 20 pages of blowhard left wing propaganda.
5. Because you can read it anywhere you travel direct from your laptop.
4. Because they lie to support their owner/editor/political party agenda (Dan Rather case in point).
3. Because they have moron reporters that take their stories direct from the AP or Reuters without doing any work themselves and end up repeating the same lies.
2. Because you still get black fingers after all these years of perfecting ink quality.
1. Because they let me read their paper for free on the web (can't be any dumber). Why pay for the paper when you can get it for free on the web.


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