Just Some Thoughts on Taxes & Numb3rs
Today, I resolved to do my taxes and electronically submit them. Wow, I'd be about 2 1/2
months early. Normally, I wait until the last week before they are due.
While a agree we should all be paying a portion of our earned income in some form to improve our society infrastructure (roads, bridges, national defense), I don't believe I should have to pay for the welfare and social benefits stolen from our local governments for illegal aliens living here. Democrats believe we should allow anyone to live off the public dole. Republicans believe we should only assist those in desparate need and those that can work should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get their butt to work. I believe "Don't Tread On Me". That means, no taxation without represenation. Therefore, those that live off the public dole should answer to ME on their needs, not some bureaucratic machine. That machine would dry up and die along with all those Civil Service Union jobs if we cracked down on illegal aliens receiving state benefits. That is why most Civil Servants are Democrats. They want that dole to continue so they can keep their cushy government job. I say, throw them out with those aliens.
Statistically, you can predict the frequency dice will land in certain number combinations. You can predict statistically the frequency certain cards will appear during card games. You can predict the behavior of voters given enough known variables. So why do so many people gamble on line now in the poker rooms for Hold-Em? Because everyone believes they will be that next World Series of Poker winner for the millions of dollars. They believe that since they've had a bit of success, they too can win the BIG tournament. Well, I'm sorry to say, statistically, they are almost sure to fail. The number of hands played and the number of players are stacked against the amateur. There is little likelihood of success. Analyze that.
Today, I resolved to do my taxes and electronically submit them. Wow, I'd be about 2 1/2
months early. Normally, I wait until the last week before they are due.
While a agree we should all be paying a portion of our earned income in some form to improve our society infrastructure (roads, bridges, national defense), I don't believe I should have to pay for the welfare and social benefits stolen from our local governments for illegal aliens living here. Democrats believe we should allow anyone to live off the public dole. Republicans believe we should only assist those in desparate need and those that can work should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get their butt to work. I believe "Don't Tread On Me". That means, no taxation without represenation. Therefore, those that live off the public dole should answer to ME on their needs, not some bureaucratic machine. That machine would dry up and die along with all those Civil Service Union jobs if we cracked down on illegal aliens receiving state benefits. That is why most Civil Servants are Democrats. They want that dole to continue so they can keep their cushy government job. I say, throw them out with those aliens.
Statistically, you can predict the frequency dice will land in certain number combinations. You can predict statistically the frequency certain cards will appear during card games. You can predict the behavior of voters given enough known variables. So why do so many people gamble on line now in the poker rooms for Hold-Em? Because everyone believes they will be that next World Series of Poker winner for the millions of dollars. They believe that since they've had a bit of success, they too can win the BIG tournament. Well, I'm sorry to say, statistically, they are almost sure to fail. The number of hands played and the number of players are stacked against the amateur. There is little likelihood of success. Analyze that.
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