Thursday, March 10, 2005

So what is Hillary up to?

They say Hillary is going to the center. Trying to appeal to conservative middle. She is talking about how religious beliefs are a good thing (especially when it might make some Christian Conservatives get confused about what she has proclaimed the last 15 years).

She is not taking any controversial stands on anything. She lets Senator Mr. Ed Kennedy say it all for her. If she gets caught voting the wrong way or debating the wrong issue, then she could have that used against her in the next presidential primary. Can't let that happen now can we Hillary?

This family cannot seem to stay out of the news. Now former President Clinton is getting another operation yielding a two or three day period of a news cycle.

And what is this about Clinton and Bush doing the Tsunami thing together. Is Clinton getting the inside scoop on Jeb's possible run in 2008? Or is elder Bush getting the scoop on the Clinton strategy for Hillary?

We can't let this party win another seat until all this animosity is put to rest. I can't watch the news anymore due to all the liberal rhetoric. I don't hear much of that coming from the right side of the aisle... but the left side is burning my ears.


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