Thursday, February 10, 2005

Yellowstone Blows Mercury

I heard tonight that Yellowstone National Park emits more mercury than all 1,100 coal fired power plants combined in the U.S. .... wow! And I was actually beginning to be concerned about Hg in our air and water. Why has the media misled the American public so dramatically on environmental issues when they ignore solid data about existing Hg emissions from non-manmade sources? They must believe we are complete fools.

Sort of like making the ELF look like freedom fighters for our forests and wetlands. Yeah... don't worry about the PM emitted by the burned out apartment buildings and homes that ELF sets on fire.... cause the naughty big homes are much worse than 5 tons of soot for the whole State to enjoy. This is what happens when professors like this Churchill clown are allowed to spout their rhetoric to our easily influenced children. They grow up thinking coal fired power plants are BAD and yellowstone is GOOD. Well, if Yellowstone is spewing more Hg than all our power plants combined.... then we must be wasting alot of money for just a tiny gain on Hg emissions just so we can turn on our playstation games.

So what to do..... take your kids out of public school systems... don't send money to institutions that you disagree with politically. Write your congressman and visit your school board meetings. Make sure we put God back in the classroom.


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