Saturday, May 21, 2005

Until Then

It is not often that I give a link to another site. But here is something forwarded to me that is worthy of the time it takes to load. Those of us that ignore the mainstream media, check out facts for ourselves, interview friends and relatives closest to the truth, know truth when we see it. This video is the closest I've come to seeing why we have our troops overseas. It is not about us. It is about the truth. It is about the idea of freedom. Something the arabs of the world have never experienced. Something the arabs that flew planes into buildings on 9/11 sincerely, but incorrectly believed was a direct assault on their religion. If only they knew that our freedom, so great a price that has been paid to maintain, if a gift from God. It they could only have learned that.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

There Once Was A Woman Named Ayala

There once was a woman named Ayala, that found a finger tip in her chili.

It turned out the fingertip belonged to a friend of her husband that lost it during an asphalt laying job with his company in Las Vegas. Her husband obviously provided it to Ayala who then claimed to find it while eating a bowl of chili (insert name of fastfood restaurant here - since it very well could have been any one of the dozen or so major chains). I'm not sure why she chose the restaurant chain she did, but she got more than she bargained for from the San Jose police that immediately focused on her past. She displayed panic during the investigation by dropping her legal suit. This was another clue the initial suspicion by the police was correct. Someone that legitimately found a finger would not drop a lawsuit under a little pressure from the police.

She was obviously hiding something. So, after two months and relentless investigation, it took a third-party tipster to point the police in the right direction. AND NOW, THEY'VE GOT HER !!

Maybe the price of a burger will go down in that restaurant to try and woo our business back?

Zarqawi Injured?

It is beginning to sound like we had even better intelligence on the whereabouts of Zarqawi when we went into the border region during Matador. Reports on FoxNews are that he was seriously injured and required a Doctor's care. No details have been found on the type or seriousness of the injury, but since he was talking candidly with the Doctor and did not stay under the Doctor's care, I gather it must not have been as serious an injury as earlier believed.

We are getting closer to catching up with this evil man.

Up Periscope

We bought a hutch last night as a combination Mother's Day / Birthday Present. While at RC Wiley, the wifee decided to try the massage chair. The boy watched her enjoy the vibrating chair for a few minutes and exclaimed, "mom, the front of you is moving !!".

You can probably figure out the rest.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Top Ten Reasons Parents Should Not Be Coaches

10. I keep forgetting to bring snacks.

9. I don't take "I'm tired" for an a reason not to play. "Get back out their and feel the burn" would be my response.

8. When the other team gets a trash goal, I "Boo". When our team gets a trash goal, I "Boo".

7. I'd have them practicing 7 nights a week until they understand "this is supposed to be fun".

6. When one of our boys get's kicked in the nuts, I'd yell, "suck it up out there, GET DOWN FIELD".

5. I'd keep using hockey terms interchangably, "CENTER THE PUCK !!"

4. I'd probably send oposing players to the bench for pushing and shoving.

3. I'd demand all the parents spend Saturday's and Sunday's with their kid teaching "team concepts".

2. Jennifer would wait in the car.

1. I'd probably get red carded every game.

Operation Matador

We've know all along the Syrian's were scheming with Sadaam and his henchmen. At least I knew it. They got cheap oil and Sadaam got a way to circumvent the UN embargo by bringing goods and military hardware through Syria. I'm convinced Syria and Iran were given or took technology left unprotected in the month following our forced entry into Baghdad and the dissolution of Iraqi forces that were protecting chemical, biological and other high-technology military applications. There have been several substantial news organizations that provided insight into roving bands of organized looters in the initial weeks following the fall of Baghdad. It seems these groups knew exactly where to go and took everything. Iran has been implicated. I think Syria was asked to hold unknown quantities of unknown materials until the end of the UN's latest attempt at enforcement. Only Sadaam never anticipated the U.S. and its allies would actually drive into his capital and thrown him out of power. Thus, we may never know what Syria hid for him. And we may never know what Iran took once his troops ran away.

Now we do know Syria has not been tending their border and has been encouraging the sanctuary of their border to foreign fighters looking to die in martyrdom while taking a few dozen ordinary Iraqi citizens or an American soldier out at the same time. Now we know the truth as a result of Operation Matador.

Those border crossings and the regions leading into and out of Syria should be shut down and locked up. How long can Zarqawi withstand American pressure with no sanctuary or sources of fighters and cash?

Monday, May 02, 2005

Charge Her

So she ran away from her wedding due to the "stress". And it cost the taxpayers up to $46k to look for her. She must be charged for obstruction of justice and the recovery of taxpayer dollars spent in her search. I don't care if she is a whack job. This is a gross miscarriage of justice if she is allowed to take my tax dollars for a fake abduction. Charge her for the court fees. If she is wise, she will repay the expenses of the local constables as well as the FBI and other agencies involved immediately, plead guilt, serve her probation and go home to her equally whacky future husband. When is he going to realize.... "SHE RAN AWAY FROM HIM !!!"