Thursday, April 06, 2006

Cobra II

Have you read the book Cobra II? It is a historical novel of the Second Gulf War that I found very intriguing. I recommend it to those Historical War Book fans. It reminded me a great deal of the Ambrose books in the portrail of actual events. Everything is cross-referenced and footnoted so you can determine where the author obtained the information.

One fact that struck me.....

Throughout the book were several specific instances of individual soldiers that were wary of inflicting civilian casualties even at their own mortal peril. One struck me (page number pending) where a soldier called his commanding officer on the radio and asked what he should do about a man with an AK-47 shooting at him. The officer responded simply "kill him". This tanker knew there were civilians in the area and yet did not shoot from the hip, was clearly calm in requesting direction, and ultimately was ordered to do what anyone else would have just done immediately.

To me, this is the glaring difference between the good guys and the bad guys. The bag guys are the one's that explode bombs indiscrimanantly in a market place where children and families are gathered. The good guys are constantly conscious of what would happen if they shot at the bad guys with families and innocents around. To one group, innocents are to be protected. To the other group, innocents are to be exploited and hid behind. How a culture could sink to such depths of fanatical disregard for human life is beyond my simple thinking.