Friday, March 31, 2006

LA Kings Update

Swirling, swirling, swirling.

Down the bowl they go.

Where they'll stop I don't want to know.

They lost to Vancouver,

They lost to Calgary,

They were crushed by Edmondton,

Now've they've got 8 games to go and 5 pts to make up.

Down, down, down.

Swirl, Swirl, Swirl.

The Mouse in My Wall

I've been trying to concentrate all day but with the persistent scratching inside my office wall, it is difficult to make fun of the demoncrats reaction to the Capital Hill Police imminent arrest of Representative Cynthia McKinney. I was hoping to see the arrest live and have her walk the media gauntlet all the while exclaiming the bias of the capital hill police because they are men, white, republican controlled, henchmen for the President, meat eaters, uniformed nazis, violating her free speech rights (right to punch anyone she wants), that her arm is bruised from being detained, her ears are bruised from the partisanship of the capital hill police.

There is the scratching again.

Now I hear Danny Glover will hold her hand and pout that she was treated differently because she is black. REALLY !!??!! I'll bet its the other way around and it actually her who treats people differently because of the color of her skin. She is either delusional or clearly caught the mumps. Have you seen the pictures of her? She must have visited Iowa recently and caught the mumps.

10 to 1 odds - charges are dropped after she humbly apologizes.

3 to 1 odds - she never apologizes and continuously claims "passing the metal detectors while black" (PMDWB - Pouting Moaning Discourteously Wailing and Bossy). BUUZZZZZZ - DING DING DING DING - I turned out to be pretty close - She claimed late Friday night that she was "a congresswoman while being black". HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

Go figure the double standard. She' d have demanded any republican's head on a pike. Let's monitor this closely. It cracks me up.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Today's Top Ten Requests from Laura Carroll

10. Get me a burger and fries.
9. Get me a hot bath.
8. Got anything to read besides this Koran?
7. I know, I know, don't go anywhere without bodyguards.
6. How'd the US Hockey team do in the olympics?
5. I'd like to use the skills they taught me of building IED's for peaceful purposes.
4. I've been sharpening butter knives for some video's my friends made. Have you seen them in any videos?
3. Did you know Muslim women don't have to work for a living? They just have to cook, clean, walk behind their men, not read, not write, and generally be at their men's beconning continually.
2. I have converted from Christianity to Islam and want to clarify an eye for an eye.
1. I'd be able to tell you more about my captivity if you can resurrect my translator.

Do you know your first amendment rights?

I hear several book store chains are now refusing to carry a magazine issue that they have routinely sold in the past due to several cartoons contained that might generate an undesirable violent response from muslim extremists.

Well, well, well, well. It seems it is okay to carry pornographaphic magazines in their stores that my children can stumble upon against my wishes. It is okay to broadcast homosexual relationships during prime time on television that my children can inadvertently be exposed to against my wishes. It is okay to not block internet porn in the library that my child may become exposed to against my wishes. I have to allow my child to be educated on evolution against my wishes while not being allowed to present alternative biblical and creationist ideas. Yet, one magazine with a handful of cartoons is somehow different than all these such that a bookstore chain is willing to stop their sale? Help me understand the hypochrisy in this decision? It is even an opinion style magazine and yet that magazine cannot present their ideas and speech in an equal manner to those bashing Christianity? Hypocrisy has taken over the liberal MSM and the liberal politicians of this country. Now it is evident even in a book store.


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Battlestar Galactica Season Two Finale

If you didn't catch this episode, I have it saved on DVD for you to borrow. What an ending this was....!!

Imagine if you will, the bots marching down mainstreet of your town while you watch helplessly. Wondering what their intentions might be. What a cinematic treat this episode turned out to be when the writers/producers/directors chose to hand us a flash forward by a year to see the complacency humans had reached just before the cylons found them and demanded their surrender.

LA Kings Swirling Down the Porcelain Drain

I have to wonder now how much further damage and bad luck I can hoist upon the Kings as they head down this last 10 game stretch to finish their season. Tonight, they play at Calgary and I strongly feel that if they do not win this match and the next match against Edmondton that they will be out of the playoff hunt. Every year I buy a single ticket in Vegas with the Kings something like 400 to 1 underdogs to win Lord Stanley's Cup. Every year the Kings live up to that 400 to 1 risk and Vegas takes my money.

I still drink coffee from a mug I got in 1993 when they won the Campbell Conference only to lose the cup to Montreal in 5 games. Before I get too old and am forced to stop drinking coffee, I'd like to be able to drink from a cup that says Lord Stanley Cup Champions. Such a small request.

Update: Kings lost 2 to 1. Roenick tried unsuccessfully to rally the broken spirited team. I've two weeks of this torture left.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

IPod Heaven

Jen gave me one of those neat video IPod's for Christmas. She didn't know I had already gotten her one. We spent too much for Christmas as a result.

Nice technogear though. I subscribed to Rush Limbaugh and can listen to all his broadcasts during my two hour bus trip home every evening.

I particularly enjoy the way iTunes is setup and the ability to download television shows to watch. Too bad I can't figure out how to put my own DVD collection on there.

We've got about 3,000 songs on our pods now and it is surprising difficult to find your favorite song if you don't know its title or album title.

Top 10 Reasons Bloggers Don't Keep Up with Posting

10. Can't remember our username after coming back from vacation.
9. Can't remember our password after coming back from vacation.
8. Too involved with kids sports activities to remember i have a blog.
7. Too involved with taping Battlestar Galactica to remember i have a blog.
6. Too involved with church activities to remember I have a blog.
5. Too busy shoveling snow off the driveway and walkway to remember I have a blog.
4. Too busy trying to complete the "honey do this" list to realize, I've forgotten my blog again.
3. Too busy watching the son and daughter become excellant skaters to realize my blog is unattended.
2. Too busy playing chess on-line to remember i have a blog.
1. Too damn lazy.