Michael Moore - Not My Choice
Well.... you have to wonder just exactly how he was able to pull it off and win an "award?" for his crummy film. Sensationalism sells. That's how. He claims the film truly represents the feelings of the people. WRONG. It is a manipulative deception of the truth canned as a documentary that seeks to capitalize on the political divisions of this country. He is out to make money. Not make a political statement. This film nothing more than controversy put on video to manipulate the emotions of those passionate liberals willing to fork over ten bucks and see a movie they believe was made to make a political statement. Well, they got more than they bargained for. They put about $2 bucks into his pocket every time they saw that movie. And he is no dummy. He knows the longer he can keep his film a central topic of discussion in the MSM (Main-Stream-Media), the longer he can keep raking in bucks from DVD, theatre and marketing sales. This is business - pure and simple.
I'd love a good movie about "Dubba-ya".... but all the good movies titles have been taken.... Audie Murphy's - To Hell and Back, Patton, The Longest Day, Flying Leathernecks, and even, "Its, a MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD" (a lame attempt at humor).
I get the message of Moore and I want him to get his message out as much as I want the truth to get out. I respect his freedom to portray his ideas in film, script, newspapers, etc..... but I don't respect his version of events or his view of the world.
We (United States) are the good guys here. We didn't got to start an Afghan war because Bush is a tyrant. We went because of tyrants there that imprison women, prevent women from participating in government or education, etc. etc. etc.
Iraq is no different. To suggest we went to Iraq for oil or Halliburton is absurd. To suggest Iraq had a good governing system that we should have left to Sadaam would have been equally absurd. Sadaam was elected at the point of a gun and remained in power through brutualization of his own people. To compare such a tyrant to Bush (I think you used the word tyrant) is also absurd (I love this word today). Yet, I equally defend your rights to speak in that context. Even though it hurts me to read it.
"The point is that WE as american citizens have the RIGHT, and moreso, the OBLIGATION to speak out about our government and society when we see fault." - AGREED.
If someone (really anyone - male, female, child, voter, non-voter, exile) in Iraq or Afghanistan did that 4 years ago, they'd be fed to the lions (literally and figuratively).
I am glad you took the time to visit this forum.
Now, what can we do about that TYRANT in North Korea?
Call me closeminded, but call the people of Iraq and Afghanistan free and able to represent themselves with their own elected government. And hopefully, create a nation of laws that respects the right of people to speak out against their government as we so enjoy doing and as you so nicely describe and defend.
Wow. You give me a bit more than I can digest quickly.
You are definitely not a "meager liberal democrats". You are educated on the topics of concern to you and willing to discuss/debate those issues from the standpoint of your life experiences. Thank you for that.
I frankly, am glad Iraq is free today and am also glad Iraq has served as a magnet for all the discontented Islamic fanatics from all over the world. I believe that is the frontlilne for fighting terror as is Palestine. We are better served that our soldiers are in harms way fighting terror in Baghdad than terror in the streets of New York or Los Angeles.
I think the days of focusing on only our problems (USA) are long gone. We cannot be isolationists and we cannot support the corruption of the UN. We are indeed the good guys here. We feed the worlds hundry. We attempt to save the oppressed from massacre at the hands of religious fanatics, we believe there is a better world that we can make and live in together. We want that better world for our children and the children around the world that don't have clean water, regular meals, or must hide to worship their choice of God.
I wonder if people would agree that if Iraq had WMD's that they must remove or dismantle them without discussion? I think we proved they had them long ago and were continuing to hide their programs where possible and obscure and deceive the world (not just the US) on their intent. I do believe Iraq had WMD's and perhaps many were delievered to Syria before the war started to protect them. But I can't prove that.... it is my hunch. I'm disappointed we did not find what defectors, our own intelligence agencies and other nations intelligence agencies said was there.
Do you beleive North Korea is a direct threat to the US? How about to South Korea or Japan? I think we all can admit today that communism as it is being practiced in North Korea and Cuba (and throughout the world in the failed Soviet Union) miserably failed due to the inherent lack of reward for personal ambition. That is how society moves forward, by allowing individuals to develop and be rewarded for their own ideas and products. Communism fails for "taking" of those ideas and products for the good of the collective. Then the incentive to create new ideas is lost.
I'm at a loss when people say they believe President Bush is flaunting his religious morals and controlling the lives of homosexuals and women. Has there been some new laws passed only by President Bush that I am not aware of? As i recall, it takes the legislative branch as well as the executive branch to make or change laws. We elect those office holders to do our bidding in their offices. Any laws passed, would be the will of the people, not the will of President Bush.
I have noticed that funding for aids in Africa has tripled since this President has been in office. Wow. I wonder why that did not happen in the previous administration when there was such a budget windfall? Why could not the previous administration allowed religious organizations that help the poor, feed the hungry, etc. to have the same access to federal money to support their programs as non-religious organizations. It seems unfair and dishonest so suggest that a church cannot get federal dollars to feed the homeless in downtown Los Angeles, but a non-religious organization has no such problem. It is odd.
I'm going to have to look up "Feist's Riftwars". I'm not familiar with that.
Our country elected this leader. Whatever the political beliefs of this leader or the previous, they were elected on their ideas by the voters that took the time to look at those ideas. A leader that is non-controversial will have no impact on bring this country to the next century as a leader. (I'm not sure I made sense with that thought).
I'd like to see this President set history by selection more women and minorities to his cabinet and to the courts. Unfortunately, the party of inclusion (Democrats) won't allow a conservative black or conservative hispanic on the Supreme Court. For the life of me, I'd think they would be overjoyed that a conservative president selected minorities to such important positions. I guess there must be a double-standard there.
This president did not alienate half the population, he has embraced both sides of the aisle on many issues and we have seen the largest increase in social programs for more than a generations. Prescription drug entitlements is the single largest addition to entitlements since before I was born. Both sides of the aisle have tried to get this for 20 years, yet it took a Republican President and Congress to do this. The previous administration had the opportunity and failed. Why?
It has been enjoyable to converse with you as well. Please continue to visit this site and I will be pleased to debate.
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