Sunday, January 30, 2005

A New Nation of Republican's

If I'm not mistaken, the reason Senator Kerry is telling us not to get excited about the high voter turnout in the Iraqi election is he's afraid the nation is almost all RED. Hahhahahah

I'll bet the United Nations finds voter irregularities in Iraq. Something about how the presence of our troops near polling places was intimidating to the terrorists who have a right to vote also.

They are saying 72% turnout. That's almost matches the rolls of the dead that turned out in the State of Washington's governor race.

A dozen mortar and bomb attacks too place near polling places. They must have been associated with the exit polls and where looking for a way to influence an election in a manner the Iraqis could understand.

CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC and the other alphabet channels for elementary educated viewers have been focusing only on the violence occuring near polling places. CBS is claiming Senator Kerry is a clear winner due to the violence condoned by his wifee should the election not go their way.

Dan Rather said today, I have been provided with documentation that President Bush voted in the Iraqi election. His signature is right there -->> Senor Bush in hieroglyphics. Opps... Wrong country.

Larry King asked some tough questions last night of an Iraqi woman with a stained pointy finger. "You are saying that the Bush Administration forced you to stain your finger just so you could vote?".... "Mutilation, I tell you. It's abominable!!"

Mary Mapes put in her application for the job of Baghdad Bob. When asked how she would cover this election as the spokesperson for the new Iraqi adminstration she replied "We have investigated the matter and determined we will boil your bowels in peanut oil and there is no American soldiers at the Baghdad airport. But I have this interesting document that has been verified as authentic from the Sadaam Public Library. President Bush checked out two copies of Lilo and Stitch Hawaiin Adventure and only returned one."

Meanwhile CBS offered their nightly news anchor position to Baghdad Bob, provided he use the following phrases in his nightly broadcasts:

Boil in Oil
I will Join the Fighters and Fight to the Death.

Senator Kennedy offered his advice to the President on the outstanding library book. "Say the brakes failed on your oldsmobile...".

The manager of our local Starbucks offered this note on the Iraqi election, "We've designed a new drink in honor of the election, it contains two parts expresso, one part peanut oil, and one part camel hair.... we call it a "hairy bowel movement."

At last, my kids asked what this election meant and I replied, "it means our boys are one big step closer to coming home."

Thanks to our men and women over seas for making this possible.


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