The day we left the video camera at home was the day #2's team the "Ninja's" won their soccer game 11-0. #2 became the first player to score and went on to a natural hat trick with two assists by the game end. So much more fun to watch when they win.
#2 finished with 3 goals and 2 assists including one from the end line immediately next to the goal with a lateral kick across in front of the goal that his team mate Alex buried home.
Matthew finished with 3 goals.
Jarrod with 2 goals.
Spencer with 1 goal.
Alex with 1 goal.
Mitchell with 1 goal.
Hunter was awesome even without goals.
Harrison couldn't be there but he sure missed alot of fun.
All of #2's and Matthew's goals were break aways from mid field. #2 has started kicking the ball harder just this week and realized he could run as fast as he could kick. The other boys were hard pressed to keep up once he was in front.
Many near misses, including one on the cross-bar by #2 that bounced all the way back to him and several just outside the goal to the left or right by many Ninja's.
So much more fun to watch when our son puts the ball in the net. Last week was tough to watch with two kids on the other team that were faster and more skilled than everyone of the ninja's. But they did only win by 2 goals by the end of regulation.
We took several of the boys to a clinic last night for 1 1/2 hours. Well worth it. All four boys that were there picked new skills and put them to use on the gridiron Saturday morning. Kicking on the both left and right feet, plus inside and outside of the foot kicks. Clearly made there game more controlled and #2 employed that with the kick across in front of the opposing teams net yielding a score with Alex.
Alex is the best player with foot coordination but is also the smallest. Matthew is the most agressive. #2 has been naturally gravitating to defense last fall and this year but broke out of his defensive shell in this game. I think the scoring gave him new found confidence and he has a great hockey celebration he does every time he is involved with a score. Fun to watch. #2 is also the best kicker I've seen on any of the teams but without any agression has been slow to follow up on his strength until today. During practice Coach Dennis was trying to get the boys to play to the net. Following the ball with the initial kick to the net. #2 was nailing the ball with smooth hard kicks, frequently in the air, that the other boys worked hard to get out of the way from.
S0 much more fun to watch.