Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Churchill = Joker

This professor in Colorado is enjoying the media attention he is getting from his inflammatory statements about the World Trade Center victims being "little Eichmanns". Now, I'm just a little bit knowledgable in history. I'm not as educated as this bozo, but I'm knowledgeable enough to know that comparing "victims" that were murdered while sitting at their desks doing what any working stiff might do, to a Hitler henchman, that was made sure the German war machine and holocaust apparatus ran smoothly, is a stretch. In fact, if this idiot honestly believes what he said, then he has no business teaching anyone anywhere. He must be deranged. The university or his family or the courts should insist he be tested for insanity, because what he is saying is fact, is pure insanity.

That is why I believe he can't possibly believe what he stated for the meda. He is continuing to state this only to garner attention and gain his 15 minutes of celebrity, write his book, composte his memoirs, sell his movie rights, before he drops off the radar screen of media headline grabbing nutcases. He realizes (correctly) that he must stay in the spotlight as long as possible to allow the other nutcases to come to his aid and thus be able to make his bucks off this fiasco. In two months, no one will remember his name, but he will be several hundred thousand dollars richer for it and probably still teaching at the same university.

So what can we do? We can ignore the idiot. Isn't that what we do when we walk down the street and there is someone standing on the corner yelling at the top of his lungs that the world is coming to an end at 3 p.m. that day? Don't we ignore the obviously deranged people talking to themselves as you pass them in the street? That is exactly what we should do with this deranged person. If we ignore him, we will pass by him and he will be forgotten.

Isn't that what happens with all nuts we see on the street. Once we pass by him, we forget about him.

Now, what can the University do? Probably not much unless he lied about something or did not follow some critical policy or such. But the fact that he resigned from his Chairman post of the department seems to imply he recognizes he is wrong about something. My guess.... the University will give him a hard time until he is marginalized. If I were a student in that school, I would be sure to discourage everyone from signing up for his classes. How can you hope to learn something useful in a class taught by a deranged nutcase.


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