Saturday, February 05, 2005

State of the Union

I didn't get to catch the State of the Union on Wednesday, but this is my observations based upon the news coverage (national and local).

The Demoncats didn't like the social security agenda of this speech. In fact, they were taking all week to try and undercut the ideas even before the speech was presented. Senator Barbara Boxer comes to mind (how California keeps electing her... baffles me). What....?!?!? We can't have a system in place that allows us to plan for our own futures? Social security is an entitlement program... plain and simple.... it is intended to transfer wealth from the wealthy to the not so wealthy. Social security deductions in my pay check have always increased since I've begun working, never decreased and never allowed me to choose the level of risk for my future. My elected legislator's knew the system was going to be insolvent years ago and keep tweaking it throughout the years to preserve it until the next election. Eight years of the Clinton Agenda that was supposed to be pro-social programs and all we got was a healthcare proposal that took away all choice. What a relief... they might have really tried to fix it and increased my withholding so I couldn't eat.

I should be allowed to control my retirement future. Senator Boxer wants to control my future because she may honestly believe she has the best idea.... but how can that be possible when she has no idea what it is like to live today with the taxation rates, increasing medical insurance costs, lower returns for small investors. She can't possibly know how it is to live and wonder if you are going to be layed off next week or next month. The two Senators in California come from extremely wealthy families. How can they possibly know what it is like for us hardworking taxpayers?

What a crock! They say "leave it alone"... but don't have a plan. They say it is guaranteed today... right... I've heard that before. Ain't nothing guaranteed anymore. Your job, your health insurance, your tax rates.... Send a letter to your Senator... sometimes they listen. I know the State legislators listen in Utah. I've talked to them in person, by telephone and by letter. They want the best for us. I can't say the same for the liberal minority at the National Capital.


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